Mathematical Modelling on the Impact of Educational Factors on the Control of Marital Conflict
Bako, D.
Yusuf, I
Family is the bedrock of any society, this is formed as a result of marriage. The study looks at how various education approaches affect marital conflict control. The results of teaching 80% of married men 80% of married women about the risks of marital conflicts are compared with the education of 80% of married men and 20% of married women. The results show that the previous approach is ineffective in bringing the effective contagion rate down to zero, suggesting that conflicts are still spreading among the population. The effective contagion rate in the latter method, on the other hand, initially decreases significantly before beginning to grow again along the trend. In order to attain the best possible control over marital conflicts, a balanced strategy is advised, with 50% of each genders' education coverage. This well-rounded approach seeks to achieve gender parity while guaranteeing that a significant segment of the populace is educated about the risks associated with marital conflicts and divorce.
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