New insights into tectonostratigraphy and structural style of the Late Cretaceous sediments of Gongola Basin, Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria


Edwin Ocheni Ekwo.

Babangida M. Sarki Yandoka.

Tectonostratigraphy of the Gongola Basin is still least understood. This study aims to present a new insight into tectonic evolution and structure of Gongola Basin based on field geology. The study revealed that sedimentation processes commenced in the depression created by tectonic subsidence as a result of Early Cretaceous tectonic events, which affected the basin and subsequently, reactivated the Santonian/Maastrichtian compression. The sediments were affected by Santonian and Maastrichtian compressions resulting in synsedimentary deformation and post-depositional faulting and folding. The imprints of dextral strike-slip faults and reverse faults on pre-Maastrichtian and Maastritchtian sediments formed as a result of reactivation of the pre-Santonian and Santonian faults. Active rifting phase followed by uplift and subaerial exposure as in Gombe inlier, and adjacent areas such as Teli Fault, Kaltungo, Burashika inliers followed by subsidence allowing for initial deposit of continental sediments and later, marine ingression which causes a change from continental to marine environments during Cenomanian. Eustatic adjustment in Late-Cenomanian to Early-Turonian led to first major transgression and shortregressive phase in middle Turonian-early Santonian. Mid-Santonian compression folded the sediments and was followed by subaerial erosion of parts of the folded sediments. Another eustatic adjustment in Late-SantonianCampanian led to a short-lived transgression. A gradual retreat of the sea in the Maastrichtian resulted in progradation of Gombe Sandstone. Late Maastrichtian compression in end-Cretaceous tectonic event folded and tilted Gombe Sandstone, responsible for the angular unconformity that existed between Gombe Formation and overlying Paleocene sediments of Kerri-Kerri Formation, mostly restricted to NW of the basin.
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