The Effect of Bacillus Pumilus on the Free Swell and Atterberg Limits of Black Cotton Soil for use in Road Subgrades
John, G.
The study evaluated the potential utilisation of Bacillus pumilus (B. pumilus)
induced calcite precipitate for the improvement of the engineering properties of
black cotton soil in road construction which is an eco-friendly technique and
forms part of what is referred to as green engineering. The effect of B. pumilus
on the free swell and Atterberg limits of black cotton soil for use in road subgrades
was studied using microbial induced calcite precipitation (MICP) method. Five
stepped B. pumilus suspension density of 0, 1.5 x 108
, 6.0 x 108
, 1.2 x 109
, 1.8 x
and 2.4 x 109
cells/ml, respectively, were utilized for the treated specimens,
while only cementitious reagent acted as the control specimen. Three (3) mix
ratios of % Bacteria suspension (B) - %Cementitious reagent (C) (i.e., 25B - 75C,
50B - 50C and 75B - 25C) were adopted. It was observed that free swell treated
with 25B - 75C decreased from 70 % and 50 % for the natural and control
specimens, respectively, to minimum value of 46 %, with increasing B. pumilus
suspension density at 2.4 × 109
cells/ml. Atterberg limits results showed liquid
limit values decreased from 53 % and 62 % for the natural and control samples,
respectively, to 43 % for samples treated with 25B - 75C at B. pumilussuspension
density of 2.4 x 109
cells/ml, while the plastic limit increased from 28.2 % for the
control soil sample to 30 % for the 75B - 25C mix ratio at B. pumilus suspension
density of 2.4 x 109
cells/ml. Tests results indicated a considerable improvement
with 25B - 75C mix ratio at B. pumilus suspension density of 2.4 × 109
which significantly reduced the free swell, while the Atterberg limits fell below
Nigerian General Specifications requirements of not greater than 35% Liquid
limit, 12% Plasticity index and 35% passing No.200 sieve for utilization as road
subgrades. However, it could be used as a subgrade material in low-volume roads.
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